18 08 23 | Health & Wellbeing

Launching the One Stockport Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Launching the One Stockport Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Partners from across Stockport have joined together to develop the One Stockport Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy to improve mental health for everyone, of all ages and backgrounds, in Stockport.

The number of people diagnosed with mental health conditions has risen significantly in recent years.  The pandemic and cost of living crisis have added further challenges to people’s lives, particularly for those already vulnerable.

During 2022, extensive engagement with residents and partner organisations in Stockport has highlighted the need to address mental health.  People wanted to make sure services are accessible and responsive to the individual needs of those facing mental health challenges, as well as their carers, including in a crisis.  But people also saw the need to maintain good mental wellbeing, and address the things in life which make this difficult.

Our mental health is shaped by many factors in our lives, and this means that many partners and settings have a role to play in promoting and protecting it.  The strategy will see the council join together with many partner organisations from across the statutory and voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sectors as One Stockport to improve mental health for all.

The strategy sets out five ambitions for the next seven years to 2030.  A large part of the work will focus on improving the local mental health support for those who in need, particularly those affected by serious mental illnesses.  But the work will also promote people’s mental wellbeing, and enable them to stay well, such as through the ‘Five Ways to Feel Good’, and it will focus on initiatives which can prevent mental health problems from developing or getting worse.

One important ambition of the One Stockport Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy is putting lived experience at the heart of this work. Residents in Stockport will have a real say in shaping the support available for mental health and wellbeing.

Councillor Keith Holloway, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care at Stockport Council, commented:

“Mental health is very important to our residents, and it has not always been given the attention it deserves.  This is therefore a key priority for local partners and I’m proud that the council has been a part of developing this One Stockport strategy. It will focus on tangible actions to improve mental health and wellbeing in Stockport for everyone, and embed mental health into everything we do.”

You can read the full strategy document HERE 

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