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Event Series Event Series: Kids Monthly Carboot

Kids Monthly Carboot

6th October 2024 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am

For over 15years Kids Car Boot has been providing a safe, warm indoor environment for children and their Mums & Dads to earn a little extra money, whilst ‘recycling’ their unwanted children’s items in our community.
Our FUN Family monthly events not only support the community but also help with issues on –
a) “Recycling” – Instead of unwanted toys and games being thrown away, they are sold or traded for use in another family home.
b) “Waste” – Huge amounts of children’s toys and equipment are made from plastic which takes some 1,000yrs. to bio degrade in council run land fill, which are becoming full.
c) “Life skills” – Development in a real environment, where children learn to negotiate, work out costs and plan and feel confident to communicate.
d) “Enterprise” – With lots of children buying and selling, learning all about business, valuable lessons are learnt which will make them more employable later in life.
e) “Community” – Building a huge community spirit where all children and families can benefit.
f) “Active Lifestyle” – It’s a great incentive to make children more active, putting in the hard work planning their sale days, before going along and taking part on the day and enjoying the rewards that this brings.
To help give you a better insight into our events, please see the following ………..1. Our website = www.kidscarboot.co.uk has pictures and a video to help give you a better idea. Just click on the yellow ribbon at the top of the home page titled “Photo & Video gallery”. On the video you will see me and one of the Barnardo’s managers explain all about our events.
2. Our Facebook page = www.facebook.com/kidscarbootandswapshop There you will find more pictures, video and comments from people who have been to our events
3. Our Twitter account = @kidscarbootltd ………… Again you will find tweets we have made.

Best of all, our events support Barnardo’s. Children and grown-up donate their unsold items at the end of the event, so Barnardo’s can then resell them in their stores ….. To date, Kids Car Boot has raised over £80,05000 for the children’s charity, (we official letter confirming funds raised).

Kids Car Boot has developed a concept, that shows we can make a sustainable difference where EVERYONE benefits ……… At long last, there is a rapidly growing movement around the Circular Economy and I believe, with your support, Kids Car Boot can do so much more, to help reach out and encourage ‘Recycling’ in the Northwest.

Hope you can help us run a HUGE event in STOCKPORT Town Centre, that engages Families, Primary Schools and Community Groups, such as Cubs, Brownies, Guides etc, etc, etc ?

Please view our presentation we have added.
Look forward to our contact

Kids Car Boot
Email : info@kidscarboot.co.uk


6th October 2024
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Event Category: