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Event Series Rock Fit Cheadle

Rock Fit Cheadle

Cheadle Drill Hall Brook Road, Cheadle

RockFit is the alternative way to work out. A heart-pumping, fist-bumping combination of dance, cardio and toning set to an all Rock and Metal soundtrack featuring iconic tracks that compel […]

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Family Tours with Mrs Bell at Bramall Hall

Bramall Hall Bramhall Park, Stockport

Looking for something to keep your family entertained this summer? Come and join Mrs Bell, the Victorian Housekeeper at Bramall Hall and take a tour of this magnificent building. She […]

Event Series Revolution Dance

Revolution Dance

Stockport Town Hall Ballroom Edward Street, Stockport

Every Wednesday from 7.15pm - 10.30pm - Open for all. This is our premier MJ Venue & has a feel of a Freestyle Night, due to the amount of dancers […]