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Stopford Park – Home is where the art is

Stopford Park – Home is where the art is

Following the launch last month of Stopford Park at the Stockport War Memorial Art Gallery, developer Cityheart has chosen two artists whose work will be featured within the new neighbourhood.

As part of its Stopford Park launch programme Cityheart sponsored the exclusive preview of ‘Connections’ an exhibition showcasing the work of the more than 60 Manchester Academy of Fine Arts members and selected graduates from Manchester School of Art.

Two winning artists were presented with a bottle of champagne by Cityheart’s Greg Ball at a prize-giving event part-way through the exhibition, an event which was also attended by The Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester, Diane Hawkins.

  • The Cityheart graduate prize went to Liz Llewlyn for her sculpture Monolith, which has been purchased by Cityheart and will be displayed at the new Stopford Park scheme.
  • The MAFA members prize was presented to Rory Chisholm who has been selected by Cityheart for a commissioned piece which will be displayed in Stopford Park’s Art Park when the scheme completes in 2026. Rory will be working with the team in the coming months to design a bespoke piece.

Stopford Park

The three-acre site on Greek Street and Wellington Road in Stockport was acquired last year by Cityheart, the development team also behind the award-winning Stockport Interchange. The Connections preview evening provided the first public view of the exciting plans for 442 new homes on Greek Street and Wellington Road South, which is located directly behind the historic art gallery.

Congratulating the chosen artists Cityheart Development Director Greg Ball said:

“Stopford Park has culture, art and creativity at its heart and that connects us deeply with the Gallery as our neighbour.  The work on show at the Connections exhibition is just incredible and we are delighted to have selected Liz and Rory as our winners and look forward to collaborating with them to install Liz’s sculptural piece in our reception and with Rory to commission a separate piece for our art park.”

The Connections exhibition continues until the 13th September
and is free to view at Stockport’s Art Gallery and War Memorial.

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