25 03 24 | Community

Stockport’s Climate Action Fund set to open for applicants for 2024

Stockport’s Climate Action Fund set to open for applicants for 2024

Stockport’s popular Climate Action Fund opens to the public today, Monday, March 25.

Cllr Mark Roberts, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment, announced the new fund at the Youth Climate Assembly last week, inviting applications for small projects that will allow residents to work together to make positive changes.

To apply, groups of residents must demonstrate how their proposal aims to increase climate and nature action in Stockport and how people will benefit.

Examples of projects that could be eligible are: reducing energy use, local and seasonal food growing and planting, reducing waste, reusing and repairing, or promoting action and education around climate change.

This year there will be two funding streams: CAN Seed Fund and CAN Catalyst Fund.

The CAN Seed Fund will see grants up to £1,000 to support projects that increase climate projects around Stockport. Applications will be assessed by Councillors at Area Committee meetings.

The CAN Catalyst Fund will support ambitious climate projects across Stockport by providing grants between £1,000 and £5,000.

Cllr Mark Roberts, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment, said:

“I am really pleased to announce our new Climate Seed and Catalyst funds. Tackling climate change and nature loss is a priority for our residents and the council. These funds will enable our communities to lead locally and innovate in the fight against climate change and the consequences of climate change.

“As a council we are leading our efforts locally to tackle climate change, and these funds are great example of how we are stepping up to the mark, but there is so much more we can do by working together and all playing our part.”

The funds will run in two rounds: the first is 25th March 2024 – 30th June 2024, and the second is 1st December 2024 – 28th February 2025.

Applicants can apply to both online from Monday 25th by going to community funding page: Community Funding – Stockport Council

Picture: Attendees from Greenstock 2023 – the community festival led by the Stockport Green Network

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