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Get Digitally Creative and Make Stuff in Stockport – Exciting Tech Experiences Throughout February

Get Digitally Creative and Make Stuff in Stockport – Exciting Tech Experiences Throughout February

People of all ages in Stockport can get hands on and creative, this February, with a host of fun digital workshops and events called Make Stuff.

The programme of experiments and have-a-go digitally creative experience events called Make Stuff is for everyone, no matter what their knowledge or skills and aims to inspire and engage through fun and exciting new technologies. Make Stuff is part of Stockport Council’s Digi Fest, which runs throughout February, and also as part of Stockport’s Town of Culture activities and will be hosted by MadLab.

There’s a whole range of events from family friendly activities to gaming for teens and  adult tech meet-ups. So, whether you are a boffin or a beginner, whatever your age, there will be something for everyone with free or low-cost activities including:

On 10 February is Family Edition!
at Stockport Central Library, Wellington Road South, Stockport, SK1 3RS from 11am to 3pm.

It will feature more than 10 exciting activities each lasting 15-20 minutes including: feeling the force as 1000 watts of bass power runs though people’s fingers, dancing alien oobleck (made of corn flour), making laser-blaster sounds with a slinky, finding out how sound waves work, discovering amazing sounds hidden in everyday objects, playing a mechanical violin, connecting friends to an electrical circuit to find out how squeaky their noses are, making a Robot Chicken or Auto-Strummer using upcycled computer guts and the chance to enjoy stop-motion making, crafting, coding and much more.

Tickets cost £5 per family and after the event people can choose to be refunded or donate their ticket to MadLab CIC to support future community-led events. If you cannot afford a ticket, please email makestuff@madlab.org.uk with your name and postcode, and they will be in touch.

And throughout February there will be something for everyone with free or low-cost activities including:

  • Create a Video Game on 3 February for ages 15 plus who love gaming and would like to learn all about game design and how to develop a Game Boy-style game.
  • 3D Modelling: Creating a Beehouse on 6 February for adults who want to learn more about solitary bees and how to create a sustainable 3D printed beehouse using Fusion 360.
  • 3D Modelling: Creating a Fidget Bolt Keyring! using Fusion 360 on 13 February.
  • Introduction to GitHub: Workshop Series, a website and cloud-based service that helps developers store and manage their code, on 14, 15, 21 and 22 February.
  • Meet the Meetups on 15 February to introduce adults to Greater Manchester’s exciting tech meetup ecosystem, from gatherings for JavaScript enthusiasts to socials for total beginners and meetups for women in tech and coders for good.
  • Intro to Node.js: an online workshop on 16 February to learn about an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that allows people to use JavaScript to build backend applications.
  • Whatever Next: High Res Clothes Peg, on 17 February and Whatever Next: Cheeky Futures on 24 February to explore a topic with a guest speaker with creative digital skills who will support participants on their journey and imagine how it will take place in the future.
  • Code Golf Workshop on 21 February for those who want to hone their programming skills by solving coding challenges, then work in pairs to perfect their code.
  • Intro to Express.js: An Online Workshop on 23 February for developers who want to learn about the web application framework for Node.js.
  • Community Hackathon on 28 and 29 February for people who want to make a difference by joining other change-makers to use combined creativity and problem-solving skills to prototype solutions for local community issues.

Other Make Stuff events will continue throughout March. For more information on all events visit the Make Stuff website.

Councillor Jilly Julian, Cabinet Member for Finance & Resources at Stockport Council, said:

“Make Stuff promises to be an absolutely fantastic programme of events for children and adults to learn about and improve their digital and technology skills – my kids and I can’t wait to get involved! Here in Stockport, we are at the forefront of helping our communities get online and keep up to date in a fast-changing world whether they are setting up businesses here as professionals or just wanting to get online to stay in touch with family and friends.”

Make Stuff is run by Stockport Council’s DigiKnow partner MadLab, a grassroots innovation organisation which works with technology and people, combining an understanding of new and emerging technologies with the tools and methods of participatory design. The Make Stuff project running throughout DigiFest is supported by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which forms part of the Government’s wider Levelling Up agenda and has been made possible thanks to support from Stockport Council and Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

Rachael Turner, Director of MadLab, said:

“I am incredibly excited about the upcoming Make Stuff events this February, and I want to personally welcome you to this journey into the world of digital creativity. Our team at MadLab has worked passionately to curate a diverse range of workshops and experiences suitable for all ages and skill levels. The intersection of technology, innovation, and community engagement is at the heart of what we do, and Make Stuff is a testament to our commitment. Whether you’re a seasoned tech enthusiast or a curious beginner, there’s something special waiting for you. Join us on this adventure, explore the possibilities, and let’s make February a month to remember! Looking forward to seeing you at our events.”

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